
We use local organic produce to make delicious organic plant-based products and sauces (ambient & fresh). Our goal is to show people that eating locally grown food is not as difficult as they might think, we bring a range of South-American flavors to boost up the meals of the community. Our products are suitable for beginners, professionals, and...

anyone that would like to eat in a more sustainable and delicious way. By working together we are directly contributing towards a change in our food system and in the local food economy, our aim is to bring local, organic, and regenerative food affordable for everyone. We do this waste by transforming vegetables from local farms into delicious products with a very high amount of vegetables. We increase biodiversity by asking farmers to grow different types of crops for our production. We reintroduce the organic waste into the system by composting it, creating a circular model that increases soil health and reduces CO2 emissions.

Social Handprint Uitgebreid

Impact op de SDG’s

Het cirkeldiagram hiernaast toont de impact op de Sustainable Development Goals op basis van een Handprint Meting. Klik op een SDG voor meer informatie over de activiteiten, waarmee aan deze SDG wordt bijgedragen.

Ontvangen impulsdonaties

Ontvangen 12 december – 22 december

MAEX Impuls Mobiliteit 2023

Wonderful Impulse! This has helped our organization to get through some bottle necks that we had in the past, helping us to move goods faster around the city and to be able to work with more local organization to transform the Amsterdam environment into circular and sustainable.