
Fairspace was founded in 2017. Our vision is for a world where everyone feels safe, included and respected. We get there by inspiring social change at every level: through lobbying, awareness-raising and community activation. Our approach is intersectional, inclusive and immersive and aims to equip and empower everyone to create meaningful impact....

Our human centered methodology puts engaging with underrepresented communities- women, girls, Black and migrant communities and more - at the center of our work. By amplifying their voices and experiences. we ensure that what we develop is relevant, accountable towards and rooted in the needs of the communities with whom we work. Our focus on community accountability encourages people to step up and speak up for a more inclusive society. We work with 4 sectors: corporate, education, community and government. Our target audience includes people impacted by diverse forms of harassment (e.g., women, LGBTQIA+, People of Color, Migrant communities etc.) as well as ‘bystanders’ - those who witness harassment and have the potential to intervene. Our bystander intervention training pathways include workshops, training of trainers sessions, assessments and recommendations. Other key activities include: awareness-raising campaigns about harassment and bystander intervention, community events and co-creation projects to co-design solutions for safe spaces.

Social Handprint Basis

Impact op de SDG’s

De cirkelgram hiernaast toont de Sustainable Development Goals waaraan wordt bijdragen. Deze weergave is nog geen meting, maar betreft een eigen inschatting van de organisatie zelf. Op de grootste SDG’s vindt de meeste activiteit plaats. Aan grijze SDG’s wordt geen bijdrage geleverd.




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